Reposted from the Insignia forum to reach a wider audience.

Hello all,

I'm trying to purchase a couple of WW2 original British Parachute Regiment cap badges, but I've been reading that fakes about online, notably the "blobby" fakes and extended wingtip fakes. I'd like to call upon the collective wisdom of group members with far more experience with these badges than I have. I found I couple that I suspct to be original, but before I buy them I'd like someone with a better eye for these things to look them over. I've read through the Semi-forensic study on the ArnhemJim blog and based on that I'd tentatively say original, but like I said I'd rather my own inexperienced opinion be reinforced, or not, by someone wiser than I.

Item 1;

British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

Item 2;

British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

What does the internet reckon?