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Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

Article about: I would like to post about my collection of badges, and some other items, related to the Patriotic Women’s Association: 愛國婦人會. My two main sources of information are Paul L. Murp

  1. #1

    Default Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    I would like to post about my collection of badges, and some other items, related to the Patriotic Women’s Association: 愛國婦人會. My two main sources of information are Paul L. Murphy and Steven L. Ackley’s In the Name of a Living God. The non-government badges and medals of Imperial Japan, including Police, Fire Brigade, Red Cross, Veteran, and Patriotic Groups. (San Ramon, CA: Falcon Books, 2005) and JapanX’s Medals of Asia website at History and Badges of Greater Japan Women's Patriotic Association | Medals of Asia and more broadly at Greater Japan Women's Patriotic Association | Medals of Asia.

    Since many may not own the Murphy and Ackley book, I will quote their brief description: “The Patriotic Women’s Association is the oldest of the women’s associations having been founded on March 2, 1901 by Okumara Ioko. It was under the supervision of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. By 1940 it had 6.5 million members in Japan and overseas…In February 1942 it was merged with the Greater Japanese Women’s Association for Protection of the Country and the Greater Japan Federation of Women’s Associations into a new association which was called the Greater Japanese Women’s Association…The basic symbol of the association is an army star superimposed on an anchor, all above a wreath of cherry blossoms.” (p. 56).

    And, a brief quote from JapanX’s Medals of Asia: “Originally main tasks of Patriotic Women’s Association during wartime were to take care of the wounded soldiers and their bereaved families in Japan, and to raise funds for military supplies during. In times of peace Patriotic Women’s Association were engaged in social work, such as cooperating with the Japanese Red Cross Society to organize medical tours. In addition to the donations made by the Emperor of Japan and the Empress of Japan at the time of its founding, the association's funding sources include general membership fees, business income and donations from all walks of life.” (see URL …23765 above, accessed July 4, 2024).

    According to Medals of Asia, merit badges were earned by recruiting new members but could also be earned through monetary donations.

    In my collection I have five types of member badges, with some variations, and seven merit badges, also with some variations. I also have two door plaques and a tea cup. Over a length of time I will post, in ascending order, my membership badges first and then merit badges. I will finish this off with the door plaques and the tea cup.

    In general both the membership badges and merit badges have the same design and are quite utilitarian looking, although the First Class Merit Badge, First Class Merit Badge with Attachment, and the Special Merit Badge are quite beautiful in their enameling. I hope that you find this thread of posts interesting and perhaps informative.

    As always, I welcome all corrections, additions, and comments.

    First up are two slightly different Regular Member Badges, one of which has a two tasseled red cord attached.

    Both badges are approximately 22 mm wide by 21 mm high by 1 mm thick with a suspension bar that is approximately 27 mm long by 5 mm high by 1 mm thick. The central design is an army star superimposed on a navy anchor, with a chain, above and halfway encircled by cherry blossoms and leaves. I note that there are differences in this design, especially the navy anchor, between the two badges. The suspension bar has a decorative design that includes a circle of crescents pointing inward with a crescent in the middle as well as what could be leaves. The entire badge is silver colored. There is no obverse inscription. The reverse is plain except for a three column inscription on the badge and a horizontal inscription on the suspension bar. On the badge from right to left is 通常 then 愛國婦人會 then 會員 for “Patriotic Women’s Association Regular Member”. The inscription on the suspension bar from left to right is 掛ー襟半 for “hanging half collar”, an instructional to wear the badge on the kimono’s half collar. I have to thank JapanX for this clarification, which he provided to me on another forum.

    A note about the suspension bar reverse: First, although the attachment devices are both of the safety pin variety, they are different. The badge without the cord has a hook on the left and an anchor for the pin spring, both separately attached, and the badge with the cord has the entire safety pin threaded through a small diameter tube 11 mm long. On the former, the hook is not part of the pin but on the latter it is. Second, the different safety pin designs necessitate a different placement of the suspension bar inscription. On the badge with the cord, the reverse inscription is divided as 掛ー and then 襟半, with the tube in between. On the badge without the cord the inscription is not divided, although the final kanji 半 is partially obscured by the anchor for the pin spring.

    Finally, the boxes are both approximately 59 mm long by 48 mm wide by 15 mm high. The lid on the box for the badge without the cord is very slightly beveled while the beveling on the box lid for the badge with the cord is much more pronounced. They have a felt medalbed, purple for the badge with the cord and blue for the other one, with a cut out for the safety pin. They each have the same impressed gold kanji inscription: from right to left is 通常 and down the center is 會員章 for “Regular Member Badge.”

    The badges are simple and utilitarian, although they are pleasing to admire.

    All the best,



    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Reverses. Note the different safety pins and the different inscription placement:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Box lids. The box for the badge with the cord is on the right.

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items
    Last edited by TracA; 07-04-2024 at 10:02 PM. Reason: Kanji alignment; Added lid inscription

  2. #2


    A note on cords. There are three colors: red, white, and purple. Per Murphy and Ackley and more recently Medals of Asia, no official regulation for them has been found. So, their meaning and rules for when they are to be affixed to a badge are as of yet unknown.

    In the small wooden box for the corded badge above I was delighted to discover the paper instructional for affixing the red cord to a badge. However, I was subsequently able to obtain an unattached red cord with its instructional and the outer wrapper. I take this as evidence, weak perhaps, that cords were at least sometimes provided after the fact as separate items. If not after the fact and separate, then why have instructions for affixing the cord to the badge and a labeled wrapper in which to present the cord and instructions? My separate cord is what I will post about here.

    The wrapper has a black kanji label on the front: 紅組 for “Red Group”. On the bottom right reverse of the wrapper is the black maker’s mark of 玉寶堂謹製 for “Respectfully made by Gyokuhō [workshop]”. For all of the boxes and wrappers that I have related to Patriotic Women’s Association items, if they have a maker’s mark stamp, then it is of the Gyokuhō workshop, a jewelry workshop in Tokyo.

    The inscription on the instructional sheet has given me some difficulty. The three black kanji on the top are 法着附 for “method for attaching [the cord]”. The five blank kanji down the right side are 糸ニテ括ル. This clearly specifies where on the badge the cord is to be placed, as indicated by the fact that there is a dotted line from the top of the first kanji to the point at which the cord is attached to the badge. I think that a very rough translation could be “rule for fastening the string [cord] at….”

    Thank you.


    Wrapper front:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Wrapper reverse, with maker’s mark:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Two tasseled red cord and its instructions for attachment:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

  3. #3


    My last post for the day: the Special Member Badge. Just like the Regular Member Badges about which I posted above, this post will consist of two badges, one with a two tasseled red cord and both with different safety pin fasteners. In addition, one came in a wooden box and the other in a cardboard box.

    The dimensions are ever so slightly different than the dimensions of the Regular Member Badges. Both Special Member Badges are approximately 21 mm wide by 21 mm high. The badge with the cord is 1 mm thick but the badge without the cord is 2 mm thick. The suspension bar on the badge with the cord is 26 mm long and 4 mm high, and the suspension bar on the other badge is 27 mm long and 4 mm high. The central design is the same as the Regular Member Badge, although just like with the two badges above these two badges display design differences, especially between the cherry blossoms and leaves. The suspension bar has the same decorative design as found on the Regular Member Badge, but with slight differences. The entire badge is gilt. There is no obverse inscription and the reverse is plain except for a three column inscription on the badge and a horizontal inscription on the suspension bar. On the badge from right to left is 特別 then 愛國婦人會 then 會員 for “Patriotic Women’s Association Special Member”. The inscription on the suspension bar from left to right is the same as found on the Regular Member suspension bar: 掛ー襟半 for “hanging half collar”, instructions to wear the badge on the kimono’s half collar.

    Just like my two Regular Member Badges, these two Special Member badges have different safety pin attachments and inscription layout on the suspension bar reverse. The badge without the cord has the hook and pin spring anchor separately attached, and the badge with the cord has the entire safety pin threaded through a small diameter tube that is 8 mm long. The inscription on the badge with the cord is divided as 掛ー, the tube, then 襟半. The tube partially obscures the 襟. On the badge without the cord the inscription is not divided and the final kanji 半 is not obscured by the anchor for the pin spring.

    The badge without a cord came in an approximately 63 mm long by 54 mm wide by 16 mm high wooden box with a beveled lid edge and a purple felt-like medalbed containing a slot for the safety pin. On the underside of the lid is a stamped purple ink maker’s mark with a central column of 玉寶堂製 and 京 to the left and 東 to the right, for “Made by Gyokuhō, Tokyo.”

    The badge with the cord came in a cardboard box wrapped with deep red/rust colored paper. It has the following dimensions, measured from the lid which is slightly larger than the bottom: approximately 56 mm long by 43 mm wide by 10 mm high. The medalbed is of blue cardboard with the safety pin slot.

    The lid on both boxes has the same inscription, impressed gold kanji on the wooden lid and printed gold kanji on the cardboard lid: top row from right to left is 特別 and the central column is 會員章 for “Special Member Badge.”

    Truth be told I have no idea if the badges were actually issued in the boxes that I purchased them with. They could just as easily have been “put togethers” at some later date during the chain of custody. I also note that both my Regular Member and Special Member Badges with cords have the safety pin fastener through a small tube. I think that is simply a coincidence, and not evidence of a necessary connection between the two.

    Again, a simple but pleasing badge.

    Thanks for reading and looking.



    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items


    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Box lids:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Maker’s stamp on the underside of the wooden box lid:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

  4. #4


    The next badge that I would like to highlight is the Special Supporter Member Badge. This badge, unlike the two about which I posted above, is enameled. On Medals of Asia, JapanX has cataloged five different variations of this badge, most reliably differentiated by the leaf and stem representation at 6h on the obverse, although the fifth variation has a characteristic that the other four do not share: a missing section of the anchor chain. See Medals of Asia at Special Supporter Member Badge of Women's Patriotic Association/愛国婦人會特別維持會員章 | Medals of Asia.

    In my collection I currently hold four of the five variations, and eventually I will post an obverse and reverse picture of each. However, for my general description below, including the box lid, I will use a first variation badge.

    I hope that you enjoy this pleasingly looking badge.


    The Special Supporter Member Badge is approximately 22 mm wide by 21 mm high by 1 mm thick with a suspension bar that is approximately 28 mm long by 5 mm high by 1 mm thick. The central design is the same as the two badges above: an army star superimposed on a navy anchor, with a chain, above and halfway encircled by cherry blossoms and leaves. The suspension bar also shares the same decorative motif as the two badges above: a design that includes a circle of crescents pointing inward with a crescent in the middle as well as what could be leaves. The suspension bar, edge of the badge, and reverse are gilt, but the design on the obverse of the badge is enameled in three places: the star is red, the anchor is blue, and the background is yellow. The star and anchor are outlined in gilt; the cherry blossoms, leaves, and stems are gilt and lack any fine detailing, the entire obverse is outlined gilt that on my example has tarnished to be silver-looking. The only inscription is on the reverse of the badge; there is no inscription on the suspension reverse. The two column inscription is thus: on the right is 愛國婦人會 for “Patriotic Women’s Association” and on the left is 特別維持會員 for “Special Supporting Member”.

    The safety pin for attachment is on the reverse of the suspension bar, with the cap on the left and the anchor for the end of the pin on the right, both separately attached.

    The box is approximately 61 mm long by 53 mm wide by 17 mm high, with a beveled lid edge. The medalbed is blue felt, with a recess in the shape of the badge and suspension bar. The lid inscription is impressed gold kanji in two columns that mirror the inscription on the badge reverse, with the exception that the lid has the additional kanji 章 for “badge”.

    Obverse first variation badge:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Reverse first variation badge:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Box lid of first variation badge:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items
    Last edited by TracA; 07-20-2024 at 02:13 AM. Reason: Kanji correction.

  5. #5


    The other Special Supporter Member Badges that I have in my collection: variation three; two variation fours with different pins, and a variation five.


    Third variation obverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Third variation reverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    I refer to this one as a fourth variation hybrid, because although it shares the same leaf and stem pattern at 6h as the fourth variation on Medals of Asia, the safety pin attachment is different than the attachment associated with the fourth variation on Medals of Asia.

    Hybrid variation four obverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Hybrid variation four reverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    A “true” fourth variation badge, in that the safety pin attachment matches the reference on Medals of Asia.

    True fourth variation obverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    True fourth variation reverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Finally, the Special Supporter Member Badge Fifth Variation. This one is very distinctive, as on this variation there is a section of the anchor chain missing.

    Fifth variation obverse. Note the missing section of chain on the left:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Fifth variation reverse:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

  6. #6


    The next to last member badge that I have is the Supporting Member Badge.

    The badge is approximately 20 mm in width and height, and it is 1 mm thick. The central design is the same as all of the other Patriotic Women’s Association badges posted in this thread. This badge does not have a suspension bar and the gilt color is brighter than the previous gilt badges in this thread. The reverse is plain except for a two column inscription: on the right is 愛國婦人 and on the left is 會賛助員 for “Patriotic Women’s Association Supporting Member”.

    The fastener on this badge is of the stick pin variety, and the pin on my example is approximately 41 mm long.

    No wooden box for this badge; the box is matchbook style and made of cardboard. The color is a dirty-ish gray. Affixed to the lid is a piece of paper the same color as the box. There is a black border, and inside the border is a two column inscription: on the right is 愛國婦人會 for “Patriotic Women’s Association” and on the left is 賛助員章 for “Supporting Member Badge”. Across the bottom of the label and outside of the border is another inscription: 製謹寶堂玉京東 for “Respectfully made by Gyokuhō [workshop] Tokyo.

    A nice, utilitarian badge.

    All the best,



    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items


    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Cardboard matchbox lid:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

  7. #7


    ...and my last post for the day or night, whichever it is.

    The last of the member badges in my possession is the Preferential Treatment Member Badge. Per Murphy and Ackley the badge is made of bronze and it shows that color. It is approximately 25 mm wide by 24 mm high by 2 mm thick. The central design is the same as the other badges and this badge, like the one in the post above, lacks a suspension bar. The only inscription is a three column one on the reverse: on the right is 優待 for “Preferential Treatment”; in the center is 愛國婦人會 for “Patriotic Women’s Association”; on the left is 員章 for “Member Badge”.

    This badge has a suspension loop attached at 12h, through which a ring passes. The ring passes through the bottom of an ‘S’-like metal device attached to a bow. The bow is approximately 29 mm wide and 40 mm long and the colors are white and red in the following stripe pattern from either top or bottom: 3 mm white; 3 mm red; 4 mm white; 12 mm red; 4 mm white; 3 mm red; 3 mm white. The wearer fastens the badge via a stickpin on the reverse, which is approximately 42 mm long.

    Just like the badge above, no wooden box for this one. Again we have a matchbook style cardboard box, this time in a dull white, with the following dimensions: approximately 67 mm long by 55 mm wide by 12 mm high. On the lid in black, stamped kanji are the name of the badge and the maker. The center column is 優待員章 for “Preferential Treatment Member Badge” and the left column is 東京 玉宝堂製 for “Tokyo Made by Gyokuhō”.

    This is a humble but aesthetically pleasing badge.

    All the best,



    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items


    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Cardboard matchbook style box lid:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items
    Last edited by TracA; 07-20-2024 at 08:17 PM. Reason: Word order

  8. #8


    Great post Tracy, and a very nice collection of these badges! Thanks for sharing them, and the research behind them!

  9. #9


    Thank you for the compliment, Russ. It is greatly appreciated.

    All the best,


  10. #10


    I am finally at my Patriotic Women’s Association Merit Badges. First up is the Third Class Merit Badge.

    The design of this merit badge is very similar to the non-enameled member badges described above, except that it is larger, the obverse has sharper detail, and there is a bit of enameling on it.

    This merit badge is approximately 31 mm wide by 31 mm high by 2 mm thick with a suspension bar that is approximately 30 mm long by 6 mm high by 1 mm thick. The central design is as the member badges described above: an army star superimposed on a navy anchor, with a chain, above and halfway encircled by cherry blossoms and leaves. The detailing, however, is quite sharp, especially on the cherry blossoms and leaves, and the army star is enameled red. The suspension bar has the same decorative design as that on the member badges described above: circles of crescents pointing inward with a crescent in the middle, what looks like leaves, and a design made up of lines that to me look like the number 4. The entire badge is silver colored and shiny. There is no obverse inscription. The reverse is plain except for a single, central column inscription of 愛國婦人會有功章 for “Patriotic Women’s Association Merit Badge”.

    As on the member badges described above, the attachment for wearing is on the reverse of the suspension bar. On this merit badge the attachment is of the safety pin variety, with the entire safety pin threaded through a small diameter tube 11 mm long. The hook is part of the pin.

    Finally, the wooden box. It is approximately 90 mm long by 69 mm wide by 14 mm high. The lid on the box is not beveled. The medalbed looks to be felt, and the color is dark purple with a recess for the badge, the suspension bar, and a cutout for the pin. The gold, impressed inscription is in two columns of beautifully stylized kanji: the right, slightly higher column is 愛國婦人會 for “Patriotic Women’s Association” and the center, slightly lower column is 参等有功章 for “Third Class Merit Badge”. I note that the kanji denoting third is what is referred to as document, or legal (?), kanji: 参 instead of 三.

    On Medals of Asia at History and Badges of Greater Japan Women's Patriotic Association | Medals of Asia JapanX has pictures of two documents denoting the number of directly recruited personnel necessary for earning a merit badge of specific rank. For the Third Class Merit Badge it looks like a member needed to recruit 50 to 99 new members.

    The detail on this badge is quite nice, and the red enameled star makes a beautiful contrast with the shiny silver color of the badge.

    All the best.



    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items


    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

    Box lid, with beautiful kanji:

    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges and Other Items

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