
Join Warrelics advised dealers

Be one of our advised dealer, display your big banner(728x90 pix) ads at the top and bottom positions of our forum and have a commercial signature with direct link to your website.


Warrelics Stats / May 2023
  • ca. 35,000 registered members
  • ca. 525,000 threads
  • ca. 2,000,000 posts
Google Stats / May 2022 - May 2023
  • Page views: ca. 10,000,000


Where will be our banner displayed?

Your sponsor's banner will be displayed at all forum pages at the top and bottom positions. It will be automaticaly evenly rotated with another banners and we have about 10,000,000 page views each year, so we can serve all our sponsors with related visitors.

What kind of banner's format will be accepted?

Our banner format is much bigger(728x90) then by many other advertising places, so our sponsors have enough banner's space to perfectly presentation of their business at the banner.

What is the price for sponsorship?

We are looking for a long-terms colloboration and warm relationships with our sponsors, so our fees and conditions for sponsorship are build to provide solutions which really work and are profitable for all our sponsors. Just contact us for details.

I haven't any banner, can you help me?

Yes, if you haven't high level design wishes we can build you a banner for free. If a banner requires additional work, we will quote you on a case by case basis.

Advertising policy

While we try to publish advertisements which are related to the content of the journal, or a specific article, all advertisements are independent from editorial and peer-reviewed content.

Publication of an advertisement does not imply an endorsement of the editor, editorial board, or purveyor of the products/services offered.

How I can contact you about advertising questions?

Contact us for details